At Nuna Cotton, we aspire to be the most sustainable textile company in the world,
siguiendo el modelo de Triple Impacto “Planet, People and Profit”.
We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact,
promote the well-being of our employees and generate economic benefits.
We work with dedication to balance the care of the planet,
people and profitability in all our operations.

We strive to preserve biodiversity and promote sustainable practices.

Our focus on the environment includes the protection and conservation of natural resources.

We are constantly looking for ways to improve our process, developing more efficient methods.
De agua reciclada y usada nuevamente en el proceso de producción.
Toneladas de Co2 compensado con bonos de carbono
De energía proveniente de fuentes sostenibles. 15% de esta autogenerado
De uso de químicos biodegradables.
De saldos textiles reciclados anualmente.
NUNA COTTON treats our planet with the same respect that we treat our collaborators.
Environmental principles guide every new technology we introduce.
Social and environmental responsibilities are the north of our day to day.
Our entire team always gives their best, but always goes the extra mile to keep improving.
Since 87% of the factory employees are women, we are at the forefront of a cultural change that is taking place in the country.
All employees receive a living wage, in addition, they are given the opportunity to continue growing in the company. We strive to build long-term relationships with our workers, a relationship based on trust.
As part of our social responsibility, we summon NGOs and mothers' clubs, train them and provide them with decent work.
From home, they can embroider by hand, this handmade process gives our products added value. This synergy motivates us to produce more, since we are witnesses of the love with which all these women carry out this work. In this way, we make a small contribution to the reduction of rural unemployment.

Social project

Our Certifications